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08/23/2023 - 12:29

Free Schultüte Filling for First Graders

To kick off the new school year, some stores are launching interesting promotions for first graders. In some places, you can bring your empty Schultüte and get it filled with gifts. In other places, you may need to showcase your creative abilities and make your own Schultüte.

Free promotions for first graders


And here is a list of promotions:


Two weeks before the start of the school year, you can bring your empty Schultüte to the store and pick it up filled on the designated date.

Alnatura will fill the Schultüte with organic products.

For Bavaria the deadline for bringing your Schultüte to participate in the promotion is until August 29, 2023. For dates for other regions of Germany, see the store's website or ask at your nearest store.


This promotion will appeal to everyone who enjoys creating things with their own hands. At Kaufland, you can get for free a kit to make a Schultüte, color it at home with your child, and bring it back to the store to have it filled with gifts. Check with your nearest Kaufland for exact dates of the promotion.

Netto and EDEKA

At Netto and Edeka stores, you can get a free Schultüte Tabaluga. To obtain the Schultüte, you will need a coupon. The coupon link here or cut out the coupon from the Netto or Edeka brochure. Present the coupon at the store's checkout during the promotional period. It is a requirement for the promotion to bring your child along with you. In exchange, you will be given a coupon that can be used to get a Schultüte.

Here's what will be inside:

  • 1 x Stundenplan
  • 1 x Radiergummi
  • 1 x Kugelschreiber
  • 1 x Diadent Junior Zahngel + Zahnbürste
  • 1 x Tabaluga Fruchtmus
  • 1 x Tabaluga Apfel-Kirsch Drink
  • 1 x Ferdi Fuchs Miniwürstchen
  • 1 x Ovomaltine Kakao und Malz
  • 1 x Schwartau Corny Riegel Erdbeer-Joghurt
  • 1 x KitKat
  • 1 x Apfel
  • 1 x Kiwi + Kiwi-Löffel

The promotion period in Bavaria is from 28.08 to 02.09.2023.

08/23/2023 - 12:29
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