Where to pick fruits for free? Best spots for picking
Did you know that wild fruits, berries, and herbs can be legally collected? But how to check if a specific tree or bush is "up for grabs"?
I found a very useful resource that can be used to find such trees.
This is the website mundraub.org and their app Mundraub Navigator, with a map of public fruit trees.

The Mundraub map covers the whole of Germany. You can search for specific cultures/trees, such as plum trees, cherry trees, pear trees, and so on.
In addition to fruit trees, there are also fruit bushes (blackberry, raspberry, currant and more), nuts (hazelnut, walnut, chestnut and more), and herbs (mint, rosemary, thyme and more).
You can search by location. There are brief articles (Steckbrief) for all plants: when they ripen, how to consume them, and their benefits. And there is a harvest calendar.
I decided to use a map and went on a search for free fruits in Munich. In the English Garden, I found walnut trees, elderberry bushes, dogwood trees, and hawthorn trees. You can often find plums, apples, and mirabelles growing alongside many lakes.

And most importantly, it's crucial to treat nature with care. Don't break branches or harm trees and plants. It is prohibited to harvest crops in protected areas and private territories. Respect the right to property.
Good luck with your collection ;)