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07/24/2023 - 14:16

KulturPass or 200 euros for each 18 year old

Hi folks, I want to share some cultural news. An interesting initiative for those who turn 18 yo this year. The government wants to get young people interested in the local cultural life and encourage them to visit different cultural places. The list of these places is long, these are concerts, cinemas, theater performances, museums, exhibitions, parks, etc. But it is also possible to spend on books, musical instruments, CDs and more. You can choose any offer from the list to suit your taste. The budget for each participant is 200 euros! Incredible generosity :)

A young woman using her smartphone to register for the KulturPass program


How it works: All young people living in Germany who are or will be 18 yo this year can receive 200 euros. The amount can be used via the KulturPass app or at
You can register via eID. But there are other ways, for example, via Identity card with online ID function (Personalausweis mit Online-Ausweis-Funktion) or Electronic residence permit (Elektronischer Aufenthaltstitel).

The campaign has been running since June, but there seems to be a lot of people interested!

The project is a pilot, but I hope it will take root. I think it is a very nice offer!
About the rules

07/24/2023 - 14:16
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