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Can you tell me how to find a pediatrician? I have two children, no emergencies so far. 
But I would like to know in advance how to do it.

07/06/2023 - 08:16
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1 year 8 months ago

In case a child is sick, you can go to the Hausarzt. It works, our son is 2 years old. But he doesn't do routine check-ups. You would have to find a paediatrician for that.

Profile picture for user Nova
1 year 8 months ago

You can wait until the child gets sick and come to Notfall praxis and stay with them. It might work.

Or you can write to your insurance company. They can help you find a doctor. This works well if you have grown-up children and need a scheduled examination.

Profile picture for user borris
1 year 8 months ago

Open a google map, find the nearest praxis with paediatricians - Kinderarzt. Find out if they accept new patients - you can call or write. If they do not, which is often the case, ask to be put on a waiting list. Then you have to wait. I can't say how long this might take, as we moved a long time ago. The situation with doctors has changed since then.