How to get out of Munich and not get stuck in traffic on the autobahn
What should you do if you want to take yourself or yourself and your child out into nature, but have no desire to stand in the summer heat in traffic jams? If alpine peaks are not a prerequisite for you, I would suggest a walk in the woods. You would think that the author would be crazy: " Excuse me, what kind of forest? What are you going to do there with a child? But wait, let me tell you.
Just outside Munich is the village of Grünwald. To the south of the city is the Grünwalder Forst (Grünwalder Forest). The forest itself is not so different from other forests in the Munich suburbs, but there is something that makes it stand out and makes you want to come here on holiday - the Walderlebniszentrum Grünwald. This center is a small enclosed area with administrative and exhibition buildings and themed paths through the woods.
The Сentre has a free parking lot, which can be found here:
If there's no parking available, you can leave your car in the car park next to the cemetery, which is also free and only 150-200 metres away on the road towards Munich.
As you approach the center, you will be greeted by a signpost with names of trails and attractions:

If you go beyond the signpost to the gate, you will find yourself in the Center itself. Immediately after entering, an information map invites you to take an adventure trail into the nature of the forest. Here you will come across all kinds of stations with suggestions for guessing things by touch, smells, herbs and more. Here are some examples:

In front of the administration building you can see a small stand dedicated to energy sources and the amount of CO2 they emit.

The center is not very large, but there are plenty of benches and tables where you can take a break. Next, you should head for the trails, where you can really stroll around all day. You will also be greeted by various stops on the trails and be asked to carry out various tasks. Often, everything can or should be touched and moved around, not just read and watched, which can be doubly interesting for a child.

Not far from the center there is a farm with wild pigs, which are fed at 4pm every day. We were late for the feeding, but we saw a family of pigs come in to finish the leftovers for dinner:

We didn't get to see much, as we got here in the evening. But we've definitely bookmarked it to plan an all-day walk here! On a sunny day, it's a great place to hide in the shade of the forest tree hats, and the various stations will keep the kids entertained during their walk.
Share your adventures and interesting outing spots, and welcome to the comments! )
Thank you!! Looks interesting